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Local ideas. What’s yours?

Do you have any ideas for Wester Hailes? It might be something you would like to see happen, or an activity or project you would like to start yourself.

These suggestions are put forward for any one organisation or group to take on, they will be simply for everyone to view and enjoy, and they just might spark some new projects and partnerships locally!

Add your idea.

Got a great idea? Then click the button below to add your thoughts into the mix.

We require your name and email address when you add an idea but they will not be published. (See our privacy policy.)

Better crossings across Wester Hailes Road. No more underpasses

Better use of public spaces. More fun outdoor events!

Better range of shops especially somewhere to buy clothes and shoes.

More litter picking groups and activities and a cleaner canal.

More things for teenagers and young people to do!

More playparks!

Shared permaculture gardens on back greens

More places for kids activities

Community markets

More cafes for people to meet and have a cuppa together

Add your idea

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What's your idea? Short and sweet, just the basics please! (150 characters max)0 characters out of 150All ideas are moderated before being published so your idea won't show up straight away.
